Verification of Differences among Musculoskeletal Disorders, Sleep Quality, and Mood States according to Eating Disorders and Menstrual Irregularity in Female University Students Majoring Dance 무용전공 여대생의 섭식장애와 월경불순에 따른 근골격계질환, 수면의 질 및 기분상태의 차이검증
Verification of Differences among Musculoskeletal Disorders, Sleep Quality, and Mood States according to Eating Disorders and Menstrual Irregularity in Female University Students Majoring Dance 무용전공 여대생의 섭식장애와 월경불순에 따른 근골격계질환, 수면의 질 및 기분상태의 차이검증
석지원 Seok Ji-won , 이호성 Lee Ho-seong
The purpose of this study was to the verification of differences among musculoskeletal disorders, sleep quality, and mood states according to eating disorders and menstrual irregularity in female university students majoring dance. The subjects of this study were 246 female university students majoring dance (Korean dance, modern dance, ballet). Participants completed a series of questionnaires on the eating disorders, menstrual irregularity, musculoskeletal disorders, sleep quality, and mood states. With the collected data χ2-test and One-way ANOVA were performed by SPSS 23.0, and the results are as follows. First, it was no difference in the type of sleep quality depending on the eating disorder, but there was a significant difference in the arm and elbow area in musculoskeletal disorders, total sleep quality score, mood state, and mood disorders. Second, it was no difference in sleep quality depending on menstrual irregularities, but there were significant differences in the neck and shoulder areas in musculoskeletal disorders, vitality and fatigue in mood states. These results suggested that the eating disorders are related to arm and elbow in musculoskeletal disorders, total score of sleep quality, and mood states, and the menstrual irregularities are related to neck and shoulder in musculoskeletal disorders and vitality and fatigue in mood states in female university students majoring dance.
The Effect of High Intensity Interval Training on Body Composition and Isokinetic Strength in Middle-aged Obese Women 고강도 인터벌 트레이닝이 비만중년여성의 신체조성 및 등속성 근력에 미치는 영향
The Effect of High Intensity Interval Training on Body Composition and Isokinetic Strength in Middle-aged Obese Women 고강도 인터벌 트레이닝이 비만중년여성의 신체조성 및 등속성 근력에 미치는 영향
최봉길 Choi Bong Gil
The goal of this study was to examine how high-intensity interval training affects body composition and isokinetic strength in middle-aged obese women. Statistical analysis was performed using SPSS (Windows Version 12.0), with descriptive statistics applied to the physical characteristics of the subjects and each variable (body composition, isokinetic strength). Differences within and between the two groups were analyzed using repeated measures ANOVA, with a significance level set at α=.05. The results indicated significant differences in body composition and isokinetic strength based on the measurements. These results suggest that high-intensity interval training can significantly improve body composition and isokinetic strength in middle-aged obese women.
Key Words
고강도 인터벌 트레이닝, 신체조성, 등속성 근력, 비만중년여성, high intensity interval training, body composition, isokinectic strength, middle-aged obese woman
The Effects of Resistance Sprint Training on Energy System Contribution, Anaerobic Enzymes and Anaerobic Power 저항 스프린트 트레이닝이 무산소성 에너지 대사 및 파워 발현에 미치는 영향
이지민 Lee Ji-min , 김은숙 Kim Eun-sook , 김도현 Kim Do-hyun , 윤성진 Yoon Sung-jin
The Effects of Resistance Sprint Training on Energy System Contribution, Anaerobic Enzymes and Anaerobic Power 저항 스프린트 트레이닝이 무산소성 에너지 대사 및 파워 발현에 미치는 영향
이지민 Lee Ji-min , 김은숙 Kim Eun-sook , 김도현 Kim Do-hyun , 윤성진 Yoon Sung-jin
This study aimed to investigate the effects of resistance sprint training on anaerobic energy metabolism and power output in adolescent track sprinters. Sixteen adolescent sprinters were randomly assigned to either the RST group (n=8) or the sprint interval training (SIT) group (n=8). Over an 8-week period, both groups trained three times per week. The RST group performed resisted sprints with a sled (20% body mass resistance, maximal effort 80m sprints, 3 repetitions, 2 sets, with static rest), while the SIT group performed maximal effort 80m sprints, 3 repetitions, 2 sets, with dynamic rest. Pre- and post-training measurements included body composition, a 100m sprint test, energy system contribution analysis, blood tests (LDH isoenzyme, Creatine kinase), and anaerobic power. The results showed that in the RST group, glycolytic energy system contribution and average power significantly increased post-training compared to pre-training, and 100m sprint time, LDH-1, and LDH-4 significantly decreased. In the SIT group, LDH-4 significantly increased post-training compared to pre-training. There were no significant changes in peak power, LDH-2, LDH-3, LDH-5, and Creatine kinase in either group. Therefore, 8 weeks of RST can be considered a useful training method for improving performance by increasing the glycolytic contribution and maintaining average power during a 100m sprint, leading to a decrease in 100m sprint time.
Key Words
저항 스프린트 트레이닝, 스프린트 인터벌 트레이닝, 에너지 시스템 기여도, 해당과정, 100m 기록, 평균파워, resisted sprint training, sprint interval training, energy system contribution, glycolytic, mean power
ICT Based Mid to Long Term Roadmap Development for Sports VR ICT 기반 스포츠 VR 중·장기 로드맵 수립
김태완 Kim Taewhan , 길세기 Kil Sekee , 이상철 Lee Sangcheol , 조은형 Cho Eunhyung , 강현우 Kang Hyunwoo
ICT Based Mid to Long Term Roadmap Development for Sports VR ICT 기반 스포츠 VR 중·장기 로드맵 수립
김태완 Kim Taewhan , 길세기 Kil Sekee , 이상철 Lee Sangcheol , 조은형 Cho Eunhyung , 강현우 Kang Hyunwoo
In this study, a mid to long term roadmap for ICT based sports VR technology was developed to elevate the nation to the status of a global sports powerhouse. To achieve this, an analysis of domestic trends in AR/VR in the sports sector was conducted, followed by a SWOT analysis based on the findings. The insights from the SWOT analysis were used to establish the vision, set goals, and derive strategies, forming the basis of the roadmap. The vision of the developed roadmap is to enter the top five global sports powerhouses through the scientific advancement of sports using ICT. To achieve this vision, the goal is to secure and establish a multi-contact support system utilizing ICT based sports XR metaspace. Four strategic initiatives and detailed action plans for each initiative were presented. This study aims to provide advanced ICT based sports services that can create synergies with existing athlete support services for elite athletes. Additionally, it seeks to build a cooperative system linked with physical education in elementary, middle, and high schools, contributing significantly to the development of sports.
Key Words
스포츠 ICT, 스포츠 VR, 스포츠 AR, 스포츠 XR, 스포츠 메타스페이스, Sports ICT, Sports VR, Sports AR, Sports XR, Sports Metaspace
A Study on the Sustainability of Korean Professional Baseball Teams through the Analysis of Altman Score 알트만 스코어를 이용한 국내 프로야구단의 지속가능성 분석 연구
A Study on the Sustainability of Korean Professional Baseball Teams through the Analysis of Altman Score 알트만 스코어를 이용한 국내 프로야구단의 지속가능성 분석 연구
김진세 Kim Jin Se , 김진국 Kim Jin Kook
The purpose of this study was to analyze the sustainability of the club as a profit-generating company and to explore a plan for the development of domestic professional baseball clubs based on this. Nine of ten professional baseball clubs in Korea, excluding the Samsung Lions, were selected for analysis, and the Altman Score, which is widely used as a method of measuring corporate insolvency risk, was adopted. The Altman Score calculation formula was implemented using Excel after obtaining their financial statements registered in the Financial Supervisory Service’s Data Analysis, Retrieval and Transfer System to calculate the Altman Score. The analysis period was set from 2018 to 2023, and the analysis period was divided into pre-COVID-19 (2018-2019), COVID-19 spread (2020-2021), and post-COVID-19 (2022-2023) to examine the changes in the Altman Score before and after COVID-19. The results of the study are as follows. First, as a result of the trend analysis of the Altman score, the risk of insolvency increased as the Altman score fell significantly during the spread of COVID-19(2020-2021), but the Altman score improved in 2022 and 2023, recovering to the level before the spread of COVID-19(2018-2019). Second, as a result of the Altman score judgment analysis, the Kiwoom Heroes and the LG Twins clubs have successfully overcome the COVID-19 period and improved their sustainability significantly compared to before COVID-19. Third, depending on the Altman score calculation method, there may be a difference in the judgment result of insolvency risk, and in common, profit generation using team’s assets is an important factor in increasing or decreasing the Altman score. Based on the derived research results, a plan for the development of the professional baseball clubs were presented.
An Empirical Analysis of Effectiveness of Speed-Up Regulations in the Korea Professional Baseball League 한국 프로야구 리그의 스피드업 규정 효과 검증
오승욱 Oh Seung Wook , 한진욱 Han Jin-wook
The purpose of this study was to verify the effectiveness of the speed-up system using intervention time series analysis based on 43 years of time series data on the duration of Korean professional baseball games. The newly established speed-up regulations implemented by the KBO in 2004, 2018, and 2024 were selected. The results of this study indicated that regulations implemented in 2004 and 2018, such as the ‘12-second pitch limit’, ‘batter’s box stay’, ‘manager argument time limit’, ‘catcher mound visit limit of 3 times’, 'automatic intentional walk', and 'video review under 5 minutes', had a negative impact on reducing the game time of domestic professional baseball and The 'pitch clock' regulation implemented in 2024 showed statistically insignificant results. Discussions and practical implications were also suggested.
Key Words
프로야구, 경기시간 단축, 개입 시계열, 스피드업, 규정 효과, baseball stadium, game time reduction, intervention time series analysis, speed-up, regulations effect
A Study on the Effects of Early Adopters’ Tendencies on New Product Expectations, Word-of-mouth and Purchase Intentions of Sporting Goods 스포츠용품 얼리 어답터의 성향이 신제품에 대한 기대감과 구전의도 및 구매의도에 미치는 영향
A Study on the Effects of Early Adopters’ Tendencies on New Product Expectations, Word-of-mouth and Purchase Intentions of Sporting Goods 스포츠용품 얼리 어답터의 성향이 신제품에 대한 기대감과 구전의도 및 구매의도에 미치는 영향
채수원 Chae Soo Won , 김진국 Kim Jin Kook
The purpose of this study was to gather fundamental data for the marketing of new sporting goods by examining the relationship between expectations, word-of-mouth, and purchase intentions among early adopters of sporting goods. Data was collected through a survey of 470 early adopters of sporting goods, and the causal relationships were analyzed using SPSS 24.0. The results are as follows: First, among the sports goods early adopters’ propensity factors, except for self-efficacy factors, the other four conspicuous propensity, fashion leadership, personal innovation, and social influence were found to have high influence in order., Second, the expectation of early adopters of sports goods had a significant effect on word-of-mouth intention Third, the expectation of early adopters of sports goods had a significant effect on purchase intention. From a comprehensive point of view, early adopters related to sporting goods showed the greatest desire for ostentation. In addition, various factors such as fashion leadership, personal innovation, and social influence increased expectations for new products, It was confirmed that it also affects the intention of word of mouth and purchase intention., Therefore, related companies and marketers should accurately grasp the tendency of early adopters, establish strategies for them to continue to play the role of piers in the market, and make efforts to utilize them as a window for future markets.
The Effects of Sports Brand’s ESG Management Activities on Perceived Corporate Image, Price Fairness and Purchase Intention 스포츠 브랜드의 ESG 경영활동이 지각된 기업이미지와 가격공정성 그리고 구매의도에 미치는 영향
The Effects of Sports Brand’s ESG Management Activities on Perceived Corporate Image, Price Fairness and Purchase Intention 스포츠 브랜드의 ESG 경영활동이 지각된 기업이미지와 가격공정성 그리고 구매의도에 미치는 영향
주형철 Joo Hyungchul , 이용건 Lee Yong-gun
Recent consumers have increasingly prioritized environmental friendliness, sustainability, social responsibility, and transparent governance in their purchasing decisions, prompting many sports brands to lead in ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) management. This study aimed to analyze the impact of sports brands’ ESG management activities on perceived corporate image, price fairness, and purchase intention, providing both academic and practical implications. Frequency analysis, confirmatory factor analysis, reliability analysis, correlation analysis, and structural equation modeling were conducted using SPSS and AMOS programs. The results revealed that: first, only environmental activities among sports brands’ ESG management activities had a statistically significant positive impact on purchase intention; second, all ESG management activities (environmental, social responsibility, and governance) positively influenced corporate image; third, only environmental activities and governance structures had a positive impact on perceived price fairness; fourth, the corporate image formed through sports brands’ ESG management activities positively affected perceived price fairness; fifth, the perceived corporate image positively influenced purchase intention; and sixth, the perceived price fairness positively impacted purchase intention. These findings suggest that sports brands’ ESG management activities are not merely trend-following but represent core values for sustainable development, enhancing corporate image and increasing consumer purchase intention.
Public Relations Strategies to Enhance the Promotional Capacity of Sports Administration Organizations 체육 행정 조직의 홍보 역량을 높이기 위한 공공 홍보 전략 방안
정윤덕 Yunduk Jeong
Even the best sports policies can become ineffective without public understanding, participation, and support. Therefore, sports administration organizations require successful public relations strategies that transparently communicate policy content and information to the public and effectively gather feedback to drive policy implementation. This study aims to develop strategies for public relations in sports administration organizations. To achieve this goal, we utilized the research procedures of Lucia & Lepsinger(1999) and Spencer & Spencer(1993), which include a literature review, interviews, focus group interviews, and content validity verification. Through this approach, we identified a total of 32 final factors across three domains. In the area of press relations, we identified factors such as the use of numbers and statistics in press materials, efforts to establish rapport with journalists, the application of Integrated Marketing Communications (IMC) strategies, and the use of positive language during interviews. For social relations, important factors include making materials engaging and interesting and selecting media that fit the promotional objectives. In the domain of event relations, key factors involve effective communication and cooperation with numerous stakeholders during events. These findings offer a comprehensive framework to enhance the promotional effectiveness of sports administration organizations.
Key Words
홍보, 공공 홍보, 체육 정책, 체육 행정 조직, 스포츠행정, Promotion, public relations, sports policy, sports administration organization, sports administration
Comparative Analysis of Referee Development System in England, the United States and Australia: Policy Implications for Referee Development in the Korea Football Association 잉글랜드, 미국, 호주 축구심판 양성 시스템 비교·분석: 대한축구협회 심판 양성을 위한 정책적 함의
Comparative Analysis of Referee Development System in England, the United States and Australia: Policy Implications for Referee Development in the Korea Football Association 잉글랜드, 미국, 호주 축구심판 양성 시스템 비교·분석: 대한축구협회 심판 양성을 위한 정책적 함의
김소현 Kim So Hyeon , 홍은아 Hong Eunah
This study focuses on the recruitment and retention of football referees, comparing and analyzing the referee development systems of advanced football associations in England, the United States, and Australia. The aim of the research is to derive policy implications for the development of referees by the Korea Football Association (KFA) based on these findings. To achieve this objective, a literature review was conducted, including websites, reports, media releases, policy documents from national and regional football associations, and domestic and international research papers. The multiple-case study method proposed by Hague et al. (1998) was applied, and the comparison and analysis of the three countries were carried out following the procedure suggested by Park and Han (2011). Based on the similarities and differences among the three countries, three policy implications for the KFA’s referee development were proposed: first, expanding referee recruitment through online education; second, preventing attrition through a special protection campaign for new referees; and third, discovering and recruiting referee talent through educational programs for elementary and middle school students. This study is expected to provide practical assistance to the KFA in preventing budget waste during the recruitment and training process caused by referee attrition, ultimately leading to the establishment of a stable referee human resource management system.
Key Words
심판 모집, 심판 유지, 대한축구협회, 심판 양성 시스템, Referee recruitment, Referee retention, Korea Football Association, Referee development system
Prediction of Continuous Intention to Overseas Diving Tour in Scuba Divers by using Extended Theory of Planned Behavior 확장된 계획행동이론을 적용한 스쿠버다이버의 해외 다이빙투어 지속의도 예측
Prediction of Continuous Intention to Overseas Diving Tour in Scuba Divers by using Extended Theory of Planned Behavior 확장된 계획행동이론을 적용한 스쿠버다이버의 해외 다이빙투어 지속의도 예측
심재오 Sim Jae-oh , 소영호 So Young-ho
The purpose of this study was to investigate the prediction continuous intention to overseas scuba diving tour using the extended theory of planned behavior (ETPB), which adds novelty and heuristic variables to the theory of planned behavior (TPB). The subjects of this study were 323 overseas scuba diving tour participants. Participants completed a series of questionnaires on the TPB, novelty, and heuristic. With the collected data model fit tested and structural equation model were performed by AMOS 22.0, and the results are as follows. First, the novelty impacts positively(+) influence on TPB’s attitude and continuous intention to overseas scuba diving tour. Second, the heuristic impacts positively(+) influence on TPB’s attitude, subjective norm, and perceived behavioral control, but no significantly influence on continuous intention to overseas scuba diving tour. Third, the TPB’s attitude and subjective norm no significantly influence on continuous intention to overseas scuba diving tour, but the perceived behavioral control impacts positively(+) influence on continuous intention to overseas scuba diving tour. These results suggest that the ETPB, which incorporates novelty and heuristic variables into the TPB, effectively predicts the continuous intention to overseas scuba diving tour.
Key Words
확장된 계획행동이론, 신기성, 휴리스틱, 해외 스쿠버다이빙투어, Extended theory of planned behavior, ETPB, Novelty, Heuristics, Overseas scuba diving tour
Derivation of the Direction and Development Plan for the Utilization of Metaverse in the Sports Industry 스포츠 산업 분야에서 메타버스의 활용에 대한 방향성 및 발전방안에 관한 연구
Derivation of the Direction and Development Plan for the Utilization of Metaverse in the Sports Industry 스포츠 산업 분야에서 메타버스의 활용에 대한 방향성 및 발전방안에 관한 연구
배정섭 Bae Jung-sup
The purpose of this study was to derive the direction and development plan for the utilization of the Metaverse in the sports industry using the Delphi technique and to present priorities through the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP). To this end, the first and second Delphi surveys were conducted on experts in the sports industry and professors of physical education. Four upper-level factors and 15 lower-level factors were derived. The derived upper-level factors included ‘appropriate application of Metaverse by sports field’, ‘development of core technology for Metaverse’, ‘completion of appropriate regulations and related policies’, and ‘creation of added value and economic profit in Metaverse’. After verifying the validity through the Content Validity Ratio (CVR), AHP analysis was conducted. The results showed that ‘development of core technology for Metaverse’ had the highest priority, followed by ‘appropriate application of Metaverse by sports field’, ‘completion of appropriate regulations and related policies’, and ‘creation of added value and economic profit in Metaverse’. This study is meaningful in that it presents the direction of Metaverse development in the sports industry. It suggests that the key challenges are technology advancement, specialized strategies for each field, institutional improvement, and development of profit models.
The Structural Relationship among Digital Literacy Competency, Academic Related Factors, and Athlete Life Satisfaction of College Athletes 대학운동선수의 디지털 리터러시 역량과 학업 관련 요인, 선수생활만족 간의 구조적 관계
서효민 Seo Hyo-min , 차재혁 Cha Jae-hyuk , 이정민 Lee Jung-min
The Structural Relationship among Digital Literacy Competency, Academic Related Factors, and Athlete Life Satisfaction of College Athletes 대학운동선수의 디지털 리터러시 역량과 학업 관련 요인, 선수생활만족 간의 구조적 관계
서효민 Seo Hyo-min , 차재혁 Cha Jae-hyuk , 이정민 Lee Jung-min
This study aims to examine the structural relationship among digital literary competency, academic-related factors (academic attitude, academic confidence, academic flow), and athlete life satisfaction of collegiate athletes. A survey was conducted with 400 elite student-athletes affiliated with university sports teams, and 375 data were used for the final analysis. For statistical analysis, frequency analysis, reliability analysis, correlation analysis, confirmatory factor analysis, and structural equation modeling were performed. The results of the hypotheses testing revealed the following: First, digital literacy competency positively influenced academic attitude. Second, digital literacy competency positively influenced academic confidence. Third, academic attitude positively influenced academic flow. Fourth, academic confidence positively influenced academic flow. Lastly, academic flow positively influenced athlete life satisfaction.
Key Words
대학운동선수, 디지털 리터러시 역량, 학습태도, 학업자신감, 학업몰입, 선수생활만족, Collegiate Athlete, Digital Literacy Competency, Academic Attitude, Academic Confidence, Academic Flow, Athlete Life Satisfaction
The Effects on Private Sport Centers Employees of Job Commitment, Emotional Exhaustion, Job Engagement, and Job Performance of Customer Incivility Behaviors 고객무례행동이 사설스포츠센터 종사원의 직무몰입, 감정소진, 직무열의 및 직무성과에 미치는 영향
The Effects on Private Sport Centers Employees of Job Commitment, Emotional Exhaustion, Job Engagement, and Job Performance of Customer Incivility Behaviors 고객무례행동이 사설스포츠센터 종사원의 직무몰입, 감정소진, 직무열의 및 직무성과에 미치는 영향
정정희 Jung Jung Hee , 김범 Kim Buom
The purpose of this study was to investigate the influence of customer incivility behaviors on job commitment, emotional exhaustion, job engagement and job performance in private sports centers employees. Data were collected by using the from employees(n=228) of fifteen private sports centers located in Gyeonggi-do. Sampling method was judgemental sampling mode, and questionnaire has been structured to be self-administration method. SPSSWIN Ver. 23.0 and AMOS 23.0 have been used for data processing. Results is First, customer incivility behaviors had a negative(-) influence on job commitment. Second, customer incivility behaviors had a positive(+) influence on emotional exhaustion. Third, job commitment had no positive(+) influence on job engagement. Fourth, job commitment had a positive(+) influence on job performance. Fifth, emotional exhaustion had a negative(-) influence on job engagement. Sixth, emotional exhaustion had no negative(-) influence on job performance. This suggests that customer incivility behavior is a key factor that lowers job commitment and increases emotional exhaustion among private sports center employees. Therefore, customer reception manuals and education & training to deal with customer incivility behavior is necessary.
The Effect of Fun Factors of Continuance Intention of Outdoor Enthusiasts 아웃도어 동호인의 재미요인이 지속행동의도에 미치는 영향
박상현 Park Sanghyun
The purpose of this study is to improve health and quality of life through participation in leisure activities by investigating the relationship between the fun factors and the intention of continuous behavior of outdoor hobbyists. To clarify the established hypothesis, 250 questionnaires were distributed in the metropolitan area for two months from August 2023, and 237 copies of the recovered valid questionnaire were used for the final analysis. For data analysis, frequency analysis, reliability analysis, correlation analysis, and regression analysis were performed using SPSS 24.0. The conclusions based on the derived results and discussions are as follows.
First, as a result of verifying the relationship between the fun factor and the tendency intention of outdoor hobbyists, it was confirmed that all sub-factors such as the health, sense of accomplishment, and sociality of the fun factor did not affect the tendency intention. These results do not mean that the fun factor is not related to tendency, but participation as an outdoor activity seems to participate even without health promotion or compensation. Second, as a result of verifying the relationship between the fun factor and the intention of Ji Kang-hwa of outdoor hobbyists, the effect of the sense of accomplishment was confirmed with the reinforcing factor. For continuous outdoor participation, it is necessary to provide a systematic program to improve skills and physical strength. Third, as a result of examining the relationship between the fun factor and the possibility intention of outdoor hobbyists, it was found that the sense of accomplishment had an effect on the possibility factor. As the confidence felt through outdoor activities can be transferred to other events or activities, efforts to grasp the participants’ eye level are required.
Key Words
아웃도어 동호인, 재미요인, 지속행동의도, fun factors, outdoor enthusiasts, continuance intention
Effects of OTT Platform Sports Content attributes on Customer Satisfaction and Intention to Additional Pay: Focusing on Coupang Play OTT 플랫폼 스포츠 콘텐츠 특성이 고객만족 및 추가지불의도에 미치는 영향: 쿠팡플레이를 중심으로
전중건 Chun Chung Kun , 유호석 Yoo Ho-suk , 한진욱 Han Jin-wook
Effects of OTT Platform Sports Content attributes on Customer Satisfaction and Intention to Additional Pay: Focusing on Coupang Play OTT 플랫폼 스포츠 콘텐츠 특성이 고객만족 및 추가지불의도에 미치는 영향: 쿠팡플레이를 중심으로
전중건 Chun Chung Kun , 유호석 Yoo Ho-suk , 한진욱 Han Jin-wook
The purpose of this study is to examine the effect of OTT platform sports content attributes on customer satisfaction and intention to additional pay. Specifically, the attributes of sports content were divided into novelty, monopoly, playfulness, and informativeness, and the effect on intention to additional pay was investigated through customer satisfaction. To achieve this research objective, a survey was conducted on consumers who had used Coupang Play sports content, and 223 responses of data were used for analysis. Data analyses included frequency analysis, descriptive analysis, correlation analysis, reliability analysis, confirmatory factor analysis, and structural equation modeling for hypothesis testing. The results are as follows. First, among the attributes of OTT platform sports content, novelty, monopoly, and playfulness were found to have a positive effect on customer satisfaction, but informativeness was found to have no significant effect on customer satisfaction. Second, customer satisfaction of OTT platform sports content was found to have a positive effect on intention to additional pay. This study has academic and practical significance in that it expanded subsequent studies on OTT platform attributes and consumer behavior by examining the impact of OTT platform sports content attributes on customer satisfaction and intention to additional pay, and provided basic data for establishing effective marketing strategies for Coupang Play OTT operators.
Key Words
OTT 플랫폼, 스포츠 콘텐츠 특성, 고객만족, 추가지불의도, OTT Platform, Sports content attributes, Customer satisfaction, Intention to additional pay
The Impact of Watching Olympic-Related Content on YouTube on the Intention to Participate in Spectator Sports 유튜브를 통한 올림픽 관련 콘텐츠 시청 경험이 관람 스포츠 참여 의도에 미치는 영향
The Impact of Watching Olympic-Related Content on YouTube on the Intention to Participate in Spectator Sports 유튜브를 통한 올림픽 관련 콘텐츠 시청 경험이 관람 스포츠 참여 의도에 미치는 영향
사혜지 Sa Hye Ji , 김형훈 Kim Hyung-hoon
This study was initiated to explore the impact of the successful hosting of the 2024 Paris Olympics on domestic intentions to participate in spectator sports. The primary purpose of this research is to structurally analyze the effect of viewing Olympic-related content on YouTube on the behavioral intentions to participate in spectator sports. A survey was conducted among individuals with experience watching sports content, and a total of 200 responses were used for analysis. Statistical programs (SPSS, AMOS) were utilized to perform frequency analysis, correlation analysis, confirmatory factor analysis, and structural equation modeling. The results indicated that after watching Olympic-related content, the sub-factors of the goal-directed behavior model―attitude, perceived behavioral control, positive/negative anticipated emotions, and frequency of past behavior―significantly influenced desire. However, subjective norms did not significantly influence desire. Additionally, both the frequency of past behavior and desire had statistically significant effects on the intention to participate in spectator sports.
To promote participation in spectator sports, it is essential to optimize the YouTube fan experience to encourage more active involvement from sports fans. Enhancing communication with fans, providing opportunities for direct participation, and creating content that emphasizes emotional moments and the joy of victory are necessary.
Key Words
목표지향적행동모델, 유튜브 콘텐츠, 올림픽, 스포츠 관람 의도, Goal-directed behavior model, YouTube content, Olympics, Intention to Participate in Spectator Sports
Effects of KanoJigoro’s Criticism of Gymnastics on Martial Arts Education 가노지고로의 체조 비판이 무도 교육에 미친 영향
Effects of KanoJigoro’s Criticism of Gymnastics on Martial Arts Education 가노지고로의 체조 비판이 무도 교육에 미친 영향
유성연 Yoo Sung-yeon
This study aims to investigate the effects of Kano Jigoro on Japan’s gymnastics curriculum and their influence on Japan’s martial arts education based on their combination with Japan’s expansionism policy by conducting an in-depth analysis of his speech that criticized Western gymnastics. Conducted from this point of view, the study found the following: First, Kano Jigoro assessed Western gymnastics and argued that it was not interesting, made the body only strong, and held no collateral values. Unlike Western gymnastics, according to his arguments, Kodokan Judo that he completed had a huge impact on spiritual cultivation and the overall aspects of human life in addition to physical training. He insisted that his Kodokan Judo should be included in the physical education curriculum in school instead of Western gymnastics. Secondly, Kano Jigoro tried to demonstrate that the ideas of Kodokan Judo could be used in any place by incorporating his Jeongryeokseonyong idea into Western gymnastics. This utilization of the ideas of Kodokan Judo made Kodokan Judo an exercise culture with the educational values of promoting a strong mind and morality rather than simple martial arts in Japan. Finally, Kodokan Judo by Kano Jigoro entered school education through its criticism of gymnastics and even made a part of military education when militarism expanded in Japan. Such utilization of Kodokan Judo corresponded with the policies of the Japanese government that tried to alter the bodies of the people into a form befitting the state’s goals in the nation’s modernization process.
The Influence of Coaches’ Coaching Styles on Teamwork among Adolescent Elite Soccer Players in High School: The Mediating Effect of Psychological Needs Satisfaction 고등학교 축구지도자의 코칭 방식이 팀워크에 미치는 영향: 심리적 욕구 만족 매개효과
The Influence of Coaches’ Coaching Styles on Teamwork among Adolescent Elite Soccer Players in High School: The Mediating Effect of Psychological Needs Satisfaction 고등학교 축구지도자의 코칭 방식이 팀워크에 미치는 영향: 심리적 욕구 만족 매개효과
송용관 Song Yong-gwan , 황재훈 Hwang Jae Hoon
The purpose of this study was to examine the influence of coaching styles on teamwork among adolescent elite soccer players in high school. Additionally, the mediating effects of basic psychological needs between coaching styles and teamwork were investigated. A survey was conducted with 248 high school soccer players from Chungcheong and Gyeongsang provinces. The collected data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, reliability analysis, validity analysis, correlation analysis, regression analysis, and the Sobel test. The analysis yielded several significant findings. First, autonomy-support coaching was found to have a positive correlation and impact on teamwork, whereas controlling coaching had a negative correlation and impact on teamwork. Second, the needs for autonomy, competence, and relatedness partially mediated the relationship between autonomy support coaching and teamwork. Third, the needs for autonomy and relatedness partially mediated the relationship between controlling coaching and teamwork. In conclusion, autonomy support coaching positively influences teamwork development, while controlling coaching negatively influences it. The findings emphasize the importance of satisfying athletes’ psychological needs alongside autonomy-support coaching to enhance teamwork.
Key Words
자율성지지, 통제방식, 코칭 방식, 자율성 욕구, 유능성 욕구, 관계성 욕구, 팀워크, 고등학교 축구선수, Autonomy support, Controlling, Autonomy, Competence, Relatedness, Teamwork, High School Soccer Players, Psychological Needs Satisfaction, Coaching Behavior
The Effect of Virtual Reality Bicycle Users’ Presence Experience on Emotional Response, Sports Attitude and Exercise Adherence 가상현실 자전거 이용자의 프레즌스 경험이 감정반응, 스포츠 태도 및 운동지속에 미치는 영향
The Effect of Virtual Reality Bicycle Users’ Presence Experience on Emotional Response, Sports Attitude and Exercise Adherence 가상현실 자전거 이용자의 프레즌스 경험이 감정반응, 스포츠 태도 및 운동지속에 미치는 영향
이현수 Lee Hyone Su , 김욱기 Kim Wook Ki
The purpose of this study was to provide foundational data for the development of the virtual reality sports industry by investigating the impact of virtual reality bicycle users’ presence experience on emotional response, sports attitude, and exercise adherence. To achieve this, a total of 206 questionnaires from users of an indoor bicycle center located in southern Gyeonggi were used for the final analysis. Data processing included frequency analysis, exploratory factor analysis, reliability analysis, correlation analysis, and simple and multiple regression analysis, which led to the following results. First, the presence experience of virtual reality bicycle users was found to have had a significant impact on emotional response. Second, the presence experience of virtual reality cyclists was found to have had a significant impact on their sports attitude. Third, the emotional responses of virtual reality cyclists were found to have had a partially significant effect on sports attitude. Fourth, the emotional response of virtual reality bicycle users was found to have had a significant effect on exercise adherence. Fifth, the sports attitude of virtual reality cyclists was found to have had a significant effect on exercise adherence. Based on these findings, it was believed that creating content that allowed users to immerse themselves in a virtual space, resembling a real environment, would be an important factor for companies developing virtual reality programs.
A Study on the Validation of the Athlete Brand Image Scale 운동선수 브랜드 이미지 척도 타당성 검증 연구
비지아첸 Bi Jiachen , 김대환 Kim Daehwan
This study aimed to translate a athlete brand image scale developed in North America into Korean and validate its reliability and validity among Korean consumers. Additionally, the present study analyzed the impact of athlete brand image on Korean consumers’ attitudes towards a target athlete to evaluate the predictive validity of the scale. To achieve these objectives, online surveys were conducted through a survey company targeting consumers across South Korea who had purchased products endorsed by athletes in the past month. Specifically, a pilot test was conducted to ensure the translation validity of the scale, securing a total of 100 valid samples. Based on the data analysis results, several item translations were revised. The main survey was then conducted with 500 consumers using the revised scale, and a confirmatory factor analysis and structural equation modeling were performed to evaluate the reliability and validity of the measurement tool. The study results confirmed that the Korean-translated athlete brand image scale possesses high reliability and validity and is effective in predicting consumer attitudes. In conclusion, this study contributes to the activation of subsequent research on athlete branding by presenting a comprehensive and empirical theoretical framework related to athlete brands, which hold significant weight in the sports industry.
Key Words
운동선수 브랜드 이미지 척도, 연상네트워크이론, 운동성과, 매력적 외모, 상품화된 라이프스타일, 소비자 태도, athlete brand image scale, associative network theory, athletic performance, attractive appearance, marketable lifestyle, consumer attitude
The Impact of a Controlling Environment on Controlled Motivation and Burnout in Youth Soccer Players: The Role of Coach Psychological and Behavioral Control 통제적 환경이 청소년 축구선수의 통제 동기 및 운동탈진에 미치는 영향: 지도자의 심리통제와 행동통제의 역할
The Impact of a Controlling Environment on Controlled Motivation and Burnout in Youth Soccer Players: The Role of Coach Psychological and Behavioral Control 통제적 환경이 청소년 축구선수의 통제 동기 및 운동탈진에 미치는 영향: 지도자의 심리통제와 행동통제의 역할
문한진 Mun Han-jin , 주우영 Joo Woo-young
Purpose: This study utilized self-determination theory as a theoretical framework to examine the effects of behavioral control and psychological control, on soccer players’ controlled motivation and athletic burnout in youth sport context. Methods: Based on a cross-sectional design, 249 middle and high school soccer players from Seoul, Gyeonggi, Chungcheongbuk-do, Busan, and Gyeongnam provinces participated in this study. The collected data were subjected to frequency analysis, descriptive statistics, confirmatory factor analysis, reliability analysis, and correlation analysis using SPSS and AMOS statistical programs, and structural equation modeling was applied to test the research hypotheses. Results: First, among coaches’ controlling coaching behaviors, psychological control strategies had a positive effect on exercise burnout, but the mediating effect of controlling motivation was not statistically significant. Second, controlling motivation had a mediating effect on the relationship between behavioral control strategies and burnout, but not a direct effect. Conclusion: These findings suggest that coaches should be aware of and reduce the controlling coaching behaviors they utilize in order to promote positive motivation and reduce the symptoms of burnout in sport settings.
Exploring the Life Skills Coaching Strategy in Sports 스포츠지도자의 라이프스킬 코칭 전략 탐색
임태희 Lim Tae-hee , 배준수 Bae Junsu , 양윤경 Yang Yun-kyung , 진형호 Jin Hyung-ho , 우승환 Woo Seung-hwan
The purpose of this study exploring coaching strategies using the Life Skills Coaching 6-Step Model for sports coaches. The data were collected through in-depth interviews with ten middle and high school sports coaches and twenty student-athletes under their guidance. The in-depth interviews utilized a semi-structured questionnaire prepared through expert consensus. Subsequently, inductive content analysis was employed to derive the results. At this point, to ensure the authenticity of the qualitative data, the expert group conducted peer reviews. First, the stages of structuring the sports environment were conceptualized into strategies such as “team organization,” “efficient team operation and coaching,” “physical safety management,” and “psychological safety management.” Second, in the stage of creating a positive atmosphere, the use of “team building” and “consistent coaching” was emphasized. Third, in the life skills explanation stage, “concept explanation”" and “case application” are employed. Fourth, in the life skills practice stage, “providing practice opportunities,” “offering reflection opportunities,” and “motivational strategies” are used. Fifth, to explain life skills transfer, “utilizing examples” and “emphasizing transfer value” strategies are used. Sixth, to provide exercises for life skills transfer, “building a collaborative system” and “transfer facilitation strategies” are used. Sports coaches are not only crucial for the development of athletes’ skills but also play a vital role in the development of life skills. The hope is that the results of this study can serve as a mediator for the application of life skills coaching in the field of sports.
Differences of Characteristics in Ankle Joint Torques and Chronic Ankle Instability (CAI) Between Normal Foot and Flat Foot Group 정상발 및 평발 집단의 발목관절 토크 및 만성발목불안정증(CAI)의 특성 차이
안석경 Seok Kyung An , 조상근 Sanggeun Jo , 김승재 Seungjae Kim
Differences of Characteristics in Ankle Joint Torques and Chronic Ankle Instability (CAI) Between Normal Foot and Flat Foot Group 정상발 및 평발 집단의 발목관절 토크 및 만성발목불안정증(CAI)의 특성 차이
안석경 Seok Kyung An , 조상근 Sanggeun Jo , 김승재 Seungjae Kim
The purpose of this study was firstly to investigate differences of characteristics in ankle joint peak torques and chronic ankle instability (CAI) between normal foot and flat foot groups, and based on these findings, secondly to seek the increased risk of CAI with flat feet. The study involved 20 university students (12 males and 8 felmales) from H university. Participants were initially classified using a podoscope, and those with significant lower navicular drop height were categorized into the flat foot group. Foot arch height was measured using a Mitutoyo digital caliper, and ankle joint torque was assessed using an isokinetic dynamometer. The Cumberland Ankle Instability Tool (CAIT) was used to survey CAI. Independent t-tests were conducted to determine the mean differences between the normal foot group (NF) and the flat foot group (FF). The study found no difference between the normal foot and flat foot groups in terms of maximum torque and ratio for ankle dorsiflexion/plantar flexion. However, there was a difference in maximum torque and ratio for ankle inversion/eversion, suggesting that these factors may influence CAI. Despite this, no correlation was found between these results and the CAIT total scores. Therefore, it cannot be confirmed that the vulnerability to CAI is directly caused by differences in inversion/eversion maximum torque and ratio. The consistent tendency for FF to score lower on the CAIT scores compared to those with NF highlights the need for further research. Future studies comparing pre- and post-treatment of inversion/eversion maximum torque rehabilitation programs in clinically diagnosed CAI patients could clarify the causal relationship.
The Knowledge of Physical Education from a Hermeneutic Perspective 현상학적 해석학 관점에서 바라본 체육의 지식
한준상 Han Joonsang
This study aimed to explore ‘embodied knowledge’ grounded in embodiment. As an embodied being, a human integrates mind and body, perceiving the world through a perspective that synthesizes objectivity and subjectivity to construct meaning. Consequently, the knowledge derived from this perspective is distinct from the traditional understanding of knowledge in physical education. To elucidate this, a historical-philosophical perspective and a deductive approach were employed. Reason, experience, embodiment, and intuition―identified as sources of knowledge in the history of philosophy―were first examined and then integrated through the lens of phenomenological hermeneutics. Based on this integration, existing knowledge in physical education was categorized and dialectically synthesized through hermeneutic circulation. This manifests as physical education as a culture.
Key Words
체화, 체화된 지식, 해석학적 순환, 통합, 철학사, 현상학적 해석학, embodiment, embodied knowledge, hermeneutic circulation, integration, history of philosophy, phenomenological hermeneutics
Policy Implications through the Analysis of Doping Control Officer Management System in Korea, the United States and Japan’s Anti-doping Organizations 한국, 미국, 일본 도핑검사관 운영체계 분석을 통한 정책적 함의
홍은아 Hong Eunah , 최희동 Choi Hee-dong , 김소현 Kim So-hyeon , 변지희 Byeon Jee-hee , 이현주 Lee Hyeon-ju
Policy Implications through the Analysis of Doping Control Officer Management System in Korea, the United States and Japan’s Anti-doping Organizations 한국, 미국, 일본 도핑검사관 운영체계 분석을 통한 정책적 함의
홍은아 Hong Eunah , 최희동 Choi Hee-dong , 김소현 Kim So-hyeon , 변지희 Byeon Jee-hee , 이현주 Lee Hyeon-ju
This study aimed to analyze doping control officer management system of JADA, a benchmarking model when KADA was created and the United States, which has been covering efficiently with less number of DCOs than those of KADA. It is expected to draw out policy implications for KADA to enhance their DCO management system. Literature review and semi-structured interviews were conducted. More specifically, websites of each NADOs, reports, academic articles, media articles, internal document and periodical publications were reviewed. We interviewed 6 staff, 2 each in three NADOs. The results included size and employment format of DCOs, certification & recertification, education & evaluation, DCO appointment system and allowance. Based on the analysis, we suggested four policy implications for KADA to apply in order to enhance the DOC management system. First, it is required to set up a reliable evaluation system of DCOs in order to upgrade the quality of sampling procedure. Second, professionalism of DCOs can be enhanced by focussing field-oriented education and certification process. Third, more efficiency can be achieved with the new way of appointing DCOs using technology. Fourth, it is necessary to investigate particular ways to make current DCO management systems more efficient in both short and long term. Having applied the policy implications from this study would help KADA to be elevate their status in the field of global sport.
Key Words
KADA, USADA, JADA, 도핑검사관, 운영체계, Doping control officers, Management system
Exploring the Impact of Emerging Sport Attributes on Floorball Spectators 비인기 스포츠 속성이 관중의 심리적 몰입과 긍정적 구전 의도에 미치는 영향: 플로어볼 관중을 중심으로
유호열 Ho Yeol Yu , 최준규 June Kyu , 김세웅 Se-woong Kim , 이성훈 Seonghun Lee
Exploring the Impact of Emerging Sport Attributes on Floorball Spectators 비인기 스포츠 속성이 관중의 심리적 몰입과 긍정적 구전 의도에 미치는 영향: 플로어볼 관중을 중심으로
유호열 Ho Yeol Yu , 최준규 June Kyu , 김세웅 Se-woong Kim , 이성훈 Seonghun Lee
The purpose of this research was to examine the influence of emerging sport attributes on spectators’ psychological commitment and positive word of mouth intention. This study also aimed to validate the previously developed scale of emerging sport attributes in the context of Korean market. Offline survey was conducted to the spectators at a floorball event in June 2023. The questionnaire was distributed to 200 spectators by using a convenient sampling method. A total of 133 suitable data were used in data analysis including exploratory factor analysis, reliability analysis, correlation analysis, and partial least squares structural equation modelling. Firstly, results indicated that the attributes of affordability, star player, and player skill had a positive influence on spectators’ psychological commitment. Secondly, the attribute of player skill had a positive effect on spectators’ positive word of mouth intention. Thirdly, spectators’ psychological commitment had a positive influence on their positive word of mouth intention, and it mediated the relationship between affordability and spectators' intention to spread positive word of mouth. Based on the current study’s results, marketing implications for emerging sport were suggested.
An Elementary School Teacher’s Perspective on the Status and Challenges of the Regional Sports Competition 초등교사가 인식한 A교육감배 학생체육대회의 명암과 개선 방안
천종문 Cheon Jong Mun , 홍덕기 Hong Deock Ki
The purpose of this study was to explore the current status and improvement plans of the Regional Sports Competition from the perspective of elementary school teachers. Specifically, eight elementary school teachers(males: 6, females: 2) who have experience as instructors of the Regional Sports Competition were selected as research participants. Data were collected through in-depth interviews and documentation, and themes were derived through thematic analysis and categorization. The results of the study were presented as ‘Light and darkness of the Regional Sports Competition’. First, the light aspect of the Regional Sports Competition was ‘Student Perspective: Experiencing value through participation in various sports’ and ‘Teacher Perspective: Improving physical education teaching expertise’, and ‘The darkness aspect of the Regional Sports Competition’ was found to be ‘uneducational behavior of teachers who were focused on obtaining ‘incentive’, ‘the way of running the competition centered on elite sports’, and ‘an alienation in the process of participating in the competition’. Based on the results of the study, the researchers suggested ways to improve the Regional Sports Competition by changing the way the competition is run, raising teacher incentives and educational awareness, and strengthening the accountability of the institution.
Key Words
교육감배 학생체육대회, 체육대회, 초등체육, 사례연구, Regional Sports Competition, Sports Competition, Elementary Sports, Case Study
Validation of a Physical Activity Assessment Tool for Individuals with Spinal Cord Injury 척수손상 장애인 신체활동 평가도구 개발을 위한 타당도 검증
이나영 Lee Na Young , 박세희 Park Se Hee , 이민구 Lee Min Goo
Validation of a Physical Activity Assessment Tool for Individuals with Spinal Cord Injury 척수손상 장애인 신체활동 평가도구 개발을 위한 타당도 검증
이나영 Lee Na Young , 박세희 Park Se Hee , 이민구 Lee Min Goo
The purpose of this study is to develop and validate a physical activity assessment questionnaire for individuals with spinal cord injuries. The questionnaire, adapted from the International Physical Activity Questionnaire (IPAQ) - long form, consists of 35 items. These items are divided into sections covering basic information and five categories of physical activity: work or study, leisure-time physical activity, strength training, rehabilitation, household chores, and transportation. The questions inquire about the number of days and duration of participation in low, moderate, and high-intensity activities. In the validity analysis, high-intensity physical activity showed significant results in the first test with a correlation coefficient of r=.71 (p<.01), but did not yield significant results in the second test. The validity of the questionnaire was supported by the correlation between the physical activity levels (MET-min/wk) derived from the questionnaire and moderate to vigorous physical activity (MVPA) measured by an accelerometer in the second test, with a correlation coefficient of r=.35 (p<.05). However, correlations between other items were not statistically significant.
Interpreting the Temporal Structure of Short Track Speed Skating Athletes: Focusing on Heidegger’s Concept of Temporality 쇼트트랙 스피드스케이팅 선수의 시간적 구조 해석: 하이데거의 시간성 개념을 중심으로
Interpreting the Temporal Structure of Short Track Speed Skating Athletes: Focusing on Heidegger’s Concept of Temporality 쇼트트랙 스피드스케이팅 선수의 시간적 구조 해석: 하이데거의 시간성 개념을 중심으로
장현우 Chang Hyun Woo , 이경숙 Lee Kyung Sook
This study explores the concept of ‘The Temporality (Zeitlichkeit) of Short Track Speed Skating Athlete’, based on Martin Heidegger’s notion of temporality, precisely the dimensions of ‘future (Zukunft)’, ‘having-been (Gewesenheit)’, and ‘present (Gegenwartigen)’. The temporal structure was interpreted by integrating the ‘race situations’ and ‘tournaments’ experienced by the short track speed skating athlete. The conclusions are as follows: The first is ‘The future (Zukunft) of a Short track speed skating athlete’. Athletes progress towards their goals in races and tournaments, including advancing to the next round or achieving a final rank in the finals. The second is ‘the having-been (Gewesenheit) of a short track speed skating athlete’. Athletes become aware of their current reality through the starter’s whistle and the announcement of heat assignments, recognizing that they have been thrust into race situations and tournaments. Moreover, this has been the mode of existence in which the athlete has existed within the context of the competition and tournament. The third is ‘The Presencing (Gegenwartigen) of a Short Track Speed Skating Athlete’. In race situations and tournaments, the athletes are oriented toward their goals, anticipate the ‘future’, and are grounded in their ‘having-been’ experiences. The athletes actively engage with competitors and various situations in races and tournaments. Ultimately, it has been observed that short track speed skating athlete exist within these contexts, each manifesting their own temporality (future, having-been, presencing).
Key Words
쇼트트랙 스피드스케이팅, 선수, 시간성, 마르틴 하이데거, 시간적 구조, Short track speed skating, Athlete, Temporality, Martin Heidegger, Temporal structure
Exploring the Grit and Experiences of Middle-Aged Adults in Personal Training 퍼스널 트레이닝을 지속하는 중년의 그릿과 경험 탐색
남궁진 Jin Namkung , 정새봄 Sae Bom Jung , 이준성 Joon Sung Lee
Exploring the Grit and Experiences of Middle-Aged Adults in Personal Training 퍼스널 트레이닝을 지속하는 중년의 그릿과 경험 탐색
남궁진 Jin Namkung , 정새봄 Sae Bom Jung , 이준성 Joon Sung Lee
This research employed a phenomenological approach to delve into the phenomenon of middle-aged individuals sustaining personal training, aiming to elucidate their subjective life worlds and grasp their essential meanings. In-depth interviews were conducted with eight middle-aged individuals aged 51 to 62 who have been actively engaged in personal training. Data analysis followed Colaizzi’s (1978) method, focusing on extracting commonalities among participants and analyzing universal essences rather than individual attributes. The study uncovered 25 themes, 9 theme clusters, and 4 overarching categories. These categories encompassed ‘Formation of Health Beliefs’, ‘Grit as a Driving Force for Exercise Persistence’, ‘Changes in Daily Life Resulting from Exercise’, and ‘The Ongoing Challenges of Middle Age’. Participants exhibited a fervent dedication to exercise rooted in their health convictions and navigated through both internal and external shifts in their daily lives. Consequently, it was found that middle-aged individuals maintain a resolute commitment to exercise continuation facilitated by personal training. This research contributes to the literature by offering a comprehensive exploration of the shared meanings and essences underlying middle-aged individuals’ experiences of sustaining exercise, thereby illuminating the intricate fabric of their holistic life worlds and contextual realities. Moreover, the present study identified a common thread of passion and resilience characterizing exercise persistence among middle-aged individuals. Future studies may consider integrating quantitative measurements, such as pre- and post-intervention assessments of grit scales, to further enrich the exploration of this phenomenon.
The Effect of Neuromuscular Training on Kinematic Factors in Adolescent Taekwondo Athletes: Focusing on Reducing the Risk of Anterior Cruciate Ligament Injury 부상 예방을 위한 신경근 훈련이 청소년 태권도 선수들의 운동학적 요인에 미치는 영향: 전방십자인대 손상 위험 감소를 중심으로
김태성 Kim Tae Seong , 강태규 Kang Tae Kyu , 전형규 Jeon Hyung Gyu , 이세용 Lee Sae Yong
The Effect of Neuromuscular Training on Kinematic Factors in Adolescent Taekwondo Athletes: Focusing on Reducing the Risk of Anterior Cruciate Ligament Injury 부상 예방을 위한 신경근 훈련이 청소년 태권도 선수들의 운동학적 요인에 미치는 영향: 전방십자인대 손상 위험 감소를 중심으로
김태성 Kim Tae Seong , 강태규 Kang Tae Kyu , 전형규 Jeon Hyung Gyu , 이세용 Lee Sae Yong
This study aims to validate the efficacy of Get Set, a program tailored for Taekwondo, in preventing non-contact ACL injuries, which are prevalent in this sport. The validation was conducted by comparing it with the established Knee Injury Prevention Program (KIPP) over six weeks. The participants recruited 65 elite high school Taekwondo athletes, who were randomly assigned to groups at the school level. The tests were conducted before and after training with motion analysis being performed using eight infrared cameras and a force plate. The task was a single-leg landing from a 20cm high box. The statistical analysis employed a repeated measures two-way ANOVA to examine the interaction effects between groups over time on kinematic data. The results revealed that the two groups engaged in injury prevention training showed significant changes. Firstly, during landing tasks, the knee flexion angle in the sagittal plane significantly increased, indicating a shift towards a soft landing strategy. Secondly, the knee varus angle increased, enhancing knee stability and promoting a stable landing movement contrary to the mechanisms of anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) injury. These results suggest that the Get Set, which demonstrated a landing pattern similar to KIPP, is expected to be effective in injury prevention. Future studies recommend that changes in the actual injury rate should be monitored after injury prevention intervention training.
Key Words
태권도, 전방십자인대, 부상 예방 프로그램, Get Set, KIPP, Taekwondo, Anterior Cruciate Ligament, ACL, Injury Prevention Program, IPP
A Case Study on the Use of Digital Literacy to Strengthen the Efficient Movement of Wellness Seniors 웰니스 시니어의 효율적인 실천 강화를 위한 디지털 리터러시 활용 사례 연구
A Case Study on the Use of Digital Literacy to Strengthen the Efficient Movement of Wellness Seniors 웰니스 시니어의 효율적인 실천 강화를 위한 디지털 리터러시 활용 사례 연구
조규청 Cho Kyu Chung
Digital literacy has become a central part of daily life as it accommodates changing trends and promotes knowledge and skills improvement. The purpose of this study was to systemize efficient practice for each individual’s physical fitness aptitude by searching for knowledge and information related to movement using digital literacy to wellness seniors’health. This study used digital literacy to analyze movement enhancement and establish a new theory by collecting data using semi-structured interview and in-dept interview techniques with five wellness seniors over the age of 60 who were realizing movement. After utilizing digital literacy, the research development derived case description of movement pattern, static (dynamic) movement methods and quality analysis, theoretical and practical nomadic experience cases, and healthy movement system plans. As a result, cases were described and theories were build by classifying each factor such as age, physical strength lever, body part, whole body, and psychological stability. The conclusion of this study is that it is meaningful to lead a healthy and happy life by establishing continuous communication and collaboration among wellness seniors as activation and strengthening efficient movements to minimize injuries.
Key Words
디지털 리터러시, 효율적인 실천, 웰니스 시니어, Digital literacy, Efficient movement, Wellness seniors
Reliability of Inertial Measurement Unit(IMU) as a Function of Running Speed 달리기 속도에 따른 관성 측정 장비(IMU)의 신뢰도 분석
강지혁 Kang Jihyuk , 강재원 Kang Jae-won , 윤석훈 Yoon Sukhoon
Reliability of Inertial Measurement Unit(IMU) as a Function of Running Speed 달리기 속도에 따른 관성 측정 장비(IMU)의 신뢰도 분석
강지혁 Kang Jihyuk , 강재원 Kang Jae-won , 윤석훈 Yoon Sukhoon
The purpose of this study was to present the reliability of the inertial measurement unit (IMU) for infrared cameras when measuring kinematic data as running speed increases. Eleven male adults who regularly run at least twice a week participated in this study(age: 27.1±3.8 years, height: 172.5±3.9 cm, weight: 73.8±8.1 kg). A total of 3 running speeds (2.7 m/s, 3.3 m/s, 4.0 m/s) were performed by the research subjects. Running was performed for 3 minutes at each speed, and 10 strides of the right lower limb were analyzed. To measure kinematic data from the infrared camera and IMU, 20 reflective markers were attached to the right lower extremity and IMU sensors were attached to the pelvis, thigh, calf, and top of the foot, respectively. In this study, the entire running cycle was divided into support and swing phases and maximum flexion angle and range of motion of the lower extremity joints were calculated. Intraclass Correlation Coefficient (ICC) and Statistical Parametric Mapping (SPM) were used to find reliability and differences between the two devices, respectively. Statistical significance was set at α= .05 in this study. As a result of this study, only the maximum flexion angle of the hip joint at 4.0 m/s showed excellent reliability in the support phase (ICC>0.75, p<.05), and in the swing phase, the maximum flexion angle of the knee joint and ankle joint showed excellent reliability(p<.05). In addition, in the case of the range of motion of the lower extremity joints, all joints showed excellent reliability in all phases (p<.05). In conclusion, this study suggests that when utilizing IMUs for running study, it is advisable to analyze overall movement trends across entire phases rather than focusing on specific momentary measurements.
Exploration of Concept and Perception of Psychological Conditioning in Sports Settings for Athletes’ Peak Performance 운동선수의 최상수행을 위한 스포츠 현장에서의 심리컨디셔닝 개념 및 인식 탐색
권성호 Kwon Sungho , 이승주 Lee Seungjoo , 이도흥 Lee Doheung , 김태우 Kim Tai-woo , 원지은 Won Jieun
Exploration of Concept and Perception of Psychological Conditioning in Sports Settings for Athletes’ Peak Performance 운동선수의 최상수행을 위한 스포츠 현장에서의 심리컨디셔닝 개념 및 인식 탐색
권성호 Kwon Sungho , 이승주 Lee Seungjoo , 이도흥 Lee Doheung , 김태우 Kim Tai-woo , 원지은 Won Jieun
The purpose of this study is to examine the concept of psychological conditioning in the context of sports and to explore the perceptions of coaches and athletes regarding psychological conditioning. A content analysis method grounded in the inter-pretivist paradigm was employed, and alongside a review of domestic and international literature on psychological conditioning, semi-structured interviews were conducted with coaches and athletes registered with various sports associations. Coaches and athletes in the sports field primarily understood conditioning from a physical perspective. Although psychological conditioning was recognized as an unfamiliar concept to both coaches and athletes, the athletes were found to engage in psychological preparation independently and acknowledged the necessity of psychological conditioning. The concept of psychological conditioning, derived from the literature review and semi-structured interview results, encompasses the prevention and management of psychological issues, psychological recovery, and the maintenance of psychological homeostasis. It is understood as a series of processes aimed at maintaining an ideal psychological state through psychological interventions applying the principles of periodization. While the concept of psychological conditioning is still unfamiliar in the sports field, it holds significant importance for maintaining and managing the ideal psychological state to enhance the performance of individual athletes or teams. Starting from this research, more in-depth studies and field applications of psychological conditioning are neeed to effectively manage athletes’ psychological states, thereby maximizing individual or team performance.
Exploring Factors for Building an ‘Exercise Pumachi’ Model to Foster a Culture of Exercise among the Elderly: Focusing on Psychological, Social, and Physical Aspects(Information, Education, Communication) 노인의 운동실천 문화조성을 위한 ‘운동품앗이’(헬스케어 앱) 요인 탐색을 통한 모델 구축: 심리·사회·물리적 터치(정보, 교육, 소통)를 중심으로
Exploring Factors for Building an ‘Exercise Pumachi’ Model to Foster a Culture of Exercise among the Elderly: Focusing on Psychological, Social, and Physical Aspects(Information, Education, Communication) 노인의 운동실천 문화조성을 위한 ‘운동품앗이’(헬스케어 앱) 요인 탐색을 통한 모델 구축: 심리·사회·물리적 터치(정보, 교육, 소통)를 중심으로
The purpose of this study aims to identify the decision making factors of the communal sharing of labor (Pumachi) related to healthcare applications among older adults, utilizing Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP). To specify the AHP model, three criteria level factors (1 level) and a total of 10 sub-level factors(2 level) were identified through Delphi (a panel of 20 experts). A total of 15 experts also participated in the AHP survey. The findings of the present study showed that Pumachiinformation was the most important factor followed by Pumachieducation and communication in the criteria level. Motivational content was the highest priority in the Pumachi information, senior exercise education was the highest priority in the Pumachieducation, and off-line communication was the highest priority in the Pumachicommunication. Furthermore, AHP global weights revealed that motivational content was the most important factor followed by health·exercise information, senior exercise education, and group exercise and service. This research utilizes a unique approach (Delphi and AHP) to focus on a culture of the Pumachifor older adults and provides an important insight into the Pumachiliterature. Therefore, our findings shed light on the contribution of the theoretical and practical development of Pumachiin the healthcare app context associated with the exercise practice among older adults.
Key Words
품앗이, 운동, 헬스케어 앱, 노인, AHP, Communal sharing of labor, Pumachi, exercise, healthcare application, older adults, Analytic Hierarchy Process
Analyzing the Experiences of High Performers in Inclusion Physical Education Classes across Their Life Cycles 통합체육수업 우수성과자들의 경력에 따른 경험 분석
Analyzing the Experiences of High Performers in Inclusion Physical Education Classes across Their Life Cycles 통합체육수업 우수성과자들의 경력에 따른 경험 분석
윤진주 Yoon Jin-ju , 박종률 Park Jong-lyoul
The purpose of this study was to identify the inclusion of physical education class (IPEC) competency of secondary physical education (PE) teachers and, based on this, to clarify the IPEC competency of secondary PE teachers according to the life cycle of the teachers. To this end, five teachers who performed excellently in IPEC were selected, behavioral event interviews were conducted, and IPEC-related documents were collected and analyzed. The study results showed that they entered IPEC as novice teachers, demonstrating an 'understanding of students with disabilities' and 'development of expertise in IPEC.' At the midcareer stage, they demonstrated 'IPEC practice competency' and 'communication competency' and showed development through growth and frustration. At the veteran stage, they demonstrated 'ethics and responsibility competency' and 'administrative competency related to IPEC.' They progressed to become reflective practitioners of classes that included all students. Based on the research results, a competency system according to the life cycle of teachers was presented, and the development of behaviorally anchored rating scales based on competency for IPEC was proposed. Furthermore, a comprehensive, IPEC competency-based education program was suggested, highlighting the potential for growth and improvement in PE.
Key Words
중등 체육교사, 통합체육수업, 교사 발달단계, 역량, 행동사건면접, secondary physical education teacher, inclusion physical education classes, IPEC, life cycle of school teachers, competency, behavioral event interview
The Impact of the Physical Activity Program (S.M.A.R.T.) for Enhancing Life Skills on the Quality of Life of Young Adults with Developmental Disabilities 발달장애인의 생활기술 함양을 위한 신체활동 프로그램(S.M.A.R.T.)이 성인기 초기 발달장애인의 삶의 질에 미치는 효과
이규진 Lee Kyu-jin , 임상훈 Yim Sang-hun , 이용호 Lee Yong-ho
The Impact of the Physical Activity Program (S.M.A.R.T.) for Enhancing Life Skills on the Quality of Life of Young Adults with Developmental Disabilities 발달장애인의 생활기술 함양을 위한 신체활동 프로그램(S.M.A.R.T.)이 성인기 초기 발달장애인의 삶의 질에 미치는 효과
이규진 Lee Kyu-jin , 임상훈 Yim Sang-hun , 이용호 Lee Yong-ho
This study investigated the impact of participation in the S.M.A.R.T. (Structured Movement and Activity Reinforcing Technique) physical activity program on the quality of life of young adults with developmental disabilities. The study involved 55 participants aged 19 to 25, divided into two groups: 28 in the program participation group and 27 in the non-participation group. The quality of life of the participants was assessed using the PROMISⓇ Adult Self Reported Health measure, and the effects of the program were evaluated using a two-way repeated measures ANOVA. The analysis of physical health variables showed significant improvements in fatigue (F=8.914, p=.001) and pain (F=11.102, p=.001). For mental health variables, there were significant improvements in anxiety (F=8.251, p=.001) and depression (F=6.281, p=.002). Additionally, a significant effect was observed in social health variables, particularly in social life (F=4.986, p=.019). These findings suggest that participation in the S.M.A.R.T. program positively influences the quality of life of young adults with developmental disabilities, providing foundational data for future research on exercise interventions aimed at improving the quality of life for individuals with developmental disabilities.
Key Words
성인기 초기 발달장애인, 신체활동 프로그램, 삶의 질, Early adulthood developmental disabilities, Physical activity program, Quality of life
Analysis of the Teaching Behavior of Pre-Service Physical Education Teachers in the Process of Performing Virtual Reality-Based Physical Education Teaching Simulation 가상현실(Virtual Reality) 기반 체육수업실연 수행 과정에서 예비체육교사의 교수행동 분석
Analysis of the Teaching Behavior of Pre-Service Physical Education Teachers in the Process of Performing Virtual Reality-Based Physical Education Teaching Simulation 가상현실(Virtual Reality) 기반 체육수업실연 수행 과정에서 예비체육교사의 교수행동 분석
윤현수 Yoon Hyun-su
The purpose of this study is to analyze the teaching behaviors and self-reflection contents that pre-service physical education teachers demonstrate during a physical education teaching simulation based on virtual reality. The research participants were selected from physical education students who performed a virtual reality-based physical education teaching simulation program during a physical education teaching method class at ‘W’ University from June 2022 to July 2024. Data were collected and analyzed based on the teaching behaviors of the research subjects who were automatically saved during the virtual reality physical education teaching simulation programe, such as managing the virtual students’ unexpected behaviors, managing their gaze toward the virtual students, and allocating time for each class stage. In addition, the self-reflection contents written after the class demonstration were collected and analyzed using a word cloud. The results of the study showed that, first, pre-service physical education teachers’ impulsive behavior management skills were insufficient during the virtual reality-based physical education teaching simulation. Second, unbalanced eye contact management ability toward the virtual students was revealed. Third, insufficient time management skills emerged according to the class stage. In conclusion, the physical education teaching simulation program should improve the teaching behavior of pre-service physical education teachers through changes in class design, intervention, learning frequency, and intensity.
Key Words
가상현실, 체육수업실연, 예비체육교사, 교수행동, 행동수정, 시선 관리, 수업 단계, virtual reality, physical education class demonstration, pre-service physical education teacher, teaching behavior, behavior modification, eye contact management, class stage